
ozisan dokozonoチャンネル様にて公開されている、「基督教音楽出版社」版のソプラノ向け音取り音源です

4.And the glory of the Lord

7. And He shall purify

9.O thou that tellest good tidings to zion

12.For unto us a Child is born

17.Glory to God

21.His yoke is easy, and his burthen is light

22.Behold the Lamb of God

24.Surely He hath borne our griefs

25.And with His stripes are we heals

26.All we like sheep have gone astray

28.He trusted in God that he would deliver him

33.Lift up your heads, o ye gates (sop1)

 33.Lift up your heads, o ye gates (sop2)

35.Let all the angels of God worship him (Novello)

37.The Lord gave the word

39.Their sound is gone out into all lands

41.Let us break their bonds asunder


46.Since by man came death

51.But thanks be to God

53.Worthy is the Lamb thatwas slain